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About Us


For over a decade, I have dedicated my life to helping individuals and families heal from eating disorders and related issues. I have had the privilege of supporting countless people as they reclaimed their lives and rebirthed their souls.


I don’t believe that therapy is for people with problems. I believe that therapy is for people seeking a better way, for those committed to evolution and self care. I believe that one of the bravest things we can do is just show up. I believe in truth and laughter. I believe in having the hard conversations. I believe that being seen in our authenticity is one of the greatest gifts. 


I believe that it is possible to be fully recovered from an eating disorder. I believe that in our culture we have lost site of the true meaning of health. I believe that well-being is a right not a privilege. And I believe that we are not meant to do it alone. We are social beings on a soul journey. 




I have been licensed in California since 2010. I utilize an eclectic approach including cognitive-behavioral technicues, existential concepts and a narrative style. I have experience working with a myriad of issues including eating disorders, anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, stress, shame and  life changes/transitions. LMFT #49075, Texas (#203496) and Oregon (#T1573.)


With over 16 years of experience in the field of eating disorders, I have earned the distinction of Certified Eating Disorder Specialist Supervisor. I have worked in residential, day treatment and outpatient levels of care helping clients and families find their way to being fully recovered. I conceptualize eating disorders as relational/attachment issues and focus on the underlying functions the behaviors have served. I help support clients to identify more adaptive ways of being in the world and with others. And ultimately, I help clients to heal their relationship with food, their bodies and themselves.

Life Coaching

I am a Certified Daring Way Facilitator, based on the groundbreaking work of Brené Brown. I believe that vulnerability is core to the human experience and that cultivating courage and shame resilience can change the world, one soul at a time. Using Brené’s teachings and assignments, I help individuals and groups enter the arena and cheer them on as they dare greatly. 



Keesha Amezcua



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